Future Lighting at Elmässan

Welcome to Future Lighting on Wednesday, October 16, from 10:00 to 12:00. Gain insight into the challenges the industry faces and the solutions available.

The conference is aimed at architects, lighting designers, consultants, or anyone with a role in the lighting industry. At Future Lighting, you get the chance to listen to experts in the field for free. Topics range from sustainable lighting to light control. The conference is in a compact and fast-paced format, providing excellent opportunities for networking.

Get your free ticket today! The ticket also gives you access to the entire event.

Schedule Future Lighting

Speaker: Svante Pettersson

Technology Comes and Goes – But the Sense of Sight Remains
Speaker: Svante Pettersson


Light Pollution: Balance, Conflicts, and Solutions
Speaker: Kim Höglund

Kim Höglund

CEO at OVAU Lighting Solutions. Lighting Designer.

Svante Pettersson

Artist and Lighting Designer, Svante Pettersson Studios.

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